Our Purpose

“There is a vast difference between treating the effects and adjusting the cause”

D.D. Palmer (Founder of Chiropractic)

It’s very simple…we recognize that your brain and nervous system is the master controller of every function in your body. When it’s working without any interference your body can regenerate, regulate and develop to the best of its ability.

Your brain controls all function from how fast your heart should beat, what enzymes to produce and when for digestion, how to move your body and perceive every other sense in your body and more.

Your brain receives this information and tells your body how to function via the rest of your nervous system. Primarily through the “super highway” we call your spinal cord (see photo).

Much like your brain is encased in bone to protect it, so is your spinal cord. The difference is your spine is made up of 33 ‘movable’ bones. THAT difference is why you’re more susceptible to the physical, chemical and emotional stressors in life. When these stressors overcome us it can cause your spine to mis-align, interfering with your nervous systems ability to talk to your body appropriately.



Most people understand that plaque on our teeth is a common occurrence, but in order to keep our teeth healthy we brush them…and when we don’t care for them their health deteriorates.

Our teeth are bones much like our spine and needs care too when these common stressors build up. In fact more so, as you can always get new dentures but you can’t get a spinal transplant.

Your spine is there protecting the controlling system of your whole body!


With this understanding of how important your nervous system is to your health, it’s our mission to educate and care for as many families and individuals of all ages so you grow and live, enjoyable, sustainable, healthy lives.

Book An Appointment

Can’t find a time? Please give us a call on (03) 9532 4735 as we can often schedule you in outside of regular hours!


*For new patients only